Fernanda Santanna (BRA)
01067 Dresden
kostenfreie Tagesvorteilskarte Sitzplatzreservierung
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Fernanda Santanna
Fernanda Santanna is a Brazilian singer and songwriter who stands out in the music scene, impressing and captivating audiences wherever she goes, with her charisma, unique voice, and impactful interpretations.
Fernanda Santanna Quartet
Her concert is an invitation to navigate the waters of Brazilian music, exploring multiple styles ranging from samba and bossa nova to jazz. With undeniable mastery of the musical genres of her country, the singer presents a repertoire that blends innovation and tradition. She brings the freshness of her original songs and reinterpretations of acclaimed composers such as Tom Jobim, Vinícius de Moraes, Baden Powell, Aldir Blanc, Milton Nascimento, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil,Roberto Mendes, among others.
The singer shares the stage with the great instrumentalists Will Magalhães on guitar and musical direction, André Fróes on drums and Peter Cudek on bass.
20.00 Uhr | Konzert
20.50 Uhr | Pause
21.15 Uhr | Konzert
© Jeff Porto
Programmauswahl: Team Palais Sommer
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